Friday, December 19, 2014

Police raced to home with sirens blaring after teenager mistook mud crab for an intruder

A teenager in Brisbane, Australia, has been left red faced after mistaking a wandering mud crab for an early morning intruder. Queensland Police Service officers attended the address with lights flashing and sirens blaring at about 1:45am on Monday to calls of a break in.
The informant, a teenager, told police he woke to noises of someone in the kitchen, or what he believed to be someone in the kitchen. Senior Sergeant District Duty Officer Todd Sucic said the teen was certain it was no other member of his family. "He sought refuge in his bedroom and he requested to stay on the phone to police until they arrived because he was too scared to go out," Snr Sgt Sucic said.
"On arrival police were able to determine quickly that the offender responsible was actually a large mud crab that had escaped its box and was wandering around the kitchen. The person who called for help was slightly embarrassed and quickly secured the mud crab and all was good." Snr Sgt Sucic said it was a "pretty hard case to crack".
"I think they recommended he boil the offender as soon as possible so they don't get a repeat call for this type of incident," he added. Snr Sgt Sucic said all jokes aside, the teenager had done the right thing in calling police. "If people are concerned that they could be in trouble or need help always give us a call. Better safe than sorry ... that's what we're there for," he said. "It's not often you get a funny end to a serious call."

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