Monday, December 1, 2014

Police warn that if you buy a cut price TV from the back of a van in a car park it may be hollow

Xmas shoppers hoping for a bargain may have been duped into buying hollow TV sets from traders in car parks, police believe. Officers in West Yorkshire stopped a van in Bradford and found empty TV sets in the vehicle.
They said the sets comprised just the outer case and contained no internal working parts. Two men were arrested on suspicion of fraud and police want to hear from anyone who bought one of the sets.
Det Con Nicola Thomson said: ''I believe a number of people may have been attracted by the offer of a seemingly new television at a cut price cost only to discover the offer was not as it initially appeared. I want to hear from those people as their information could play a pivotal part in this investigation.
''We believe these televisions have been offered to people in supermarket and retail unit car parks across West Yorkshire. Both men, who are aged 30 and 23 and are from Wakefield and Berkshire areas respectively, have been released on police bail while the investigation continues."

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