Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ten Crazy Chinese Government Jobs

Chinese prisoners who are made to work for the government are hardly hammering out license plates or braille books. If you go to the pen in China, you may just find yourself forced to do menial work — in a video game environment.
Estimates say 100,000 Chinese prisoners work as video game farmers. They play games in 12-hour-long shifts in which they complete tasks that earn virtual currency. Once the virtual funds are turned over to the prison, they are sold to gamers for cash. It's even possible to be paid for this type of prison work, and paid well. Some are said to earn up to $700 dollars a day. But that's the good news. The bad news is that they can be beaten if they don't acquire enough virtual currency to meet their quotas.
Read about more people who do bizarre jobs for the Chinese government — including phantom work and porn judges — here.

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