Monday, December 8, 2014

Texas Public School Teaching Kids That Jews Practice 'Flawed Religion' and that Blacks Are 'Descended from Ham'

A religious studies professor found instances of students learning a literal interpretation of the bible. A report put out by the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund reveals that in some Texas public schools, classes on the bible's impact on history are being taught from a wingnut, fundamentalist christian standpoint.
A Southern methodist University religious studies professor Mark Chancey found instances of students learning a literal interpretation of the bible, that the earth is approximately 6,000 years old and that judaism is a “flawed and incomplete religion” with materials “designed to evangelize rather than provide an objective study of the bible’s influence.”
TFN also found a lesson explaining “racial origins traced from Noah.”
The claim that Africans are descendants of Ham, whom Noah curses in  Genesis 9 after he “saw the nakedness of his father,” has long been used as a biblical justification for  anti-black racism and slavery.
The report [ PDF] even found courses that embrace the christian nationalist ideology of the religio-wingnuts, including inauthentic quotes attributed to the Founding Fathers:
In a few districts, bible courses echo false claims made by the religio-wingnuts that the Founding Fathers were largely orthodox protestant christians who intended for the United States to be a distinctively christian nation with laws and a form of government based on the bible. This logic is implied, for example, in a Dalhart ISD daily lesson plan: “The student understands the delusions, and idiocies taken from the biblical texts and applied to elements of the American system of government.” These claims are problematic not only because they are historically inaccurate but also because they figure prominently in attempts by the religio-winguts to guarantee a privileged position in the public square for their own religious delusions above those of others.
Lubbock and Prosper ISDs are among the districts that relied on material from the NCBCPS [national coven for bible corruption of public schools] course on this topic. Since at least 2005, the NCBCPS corruption has included a 10-page selection of isolated quotations (at least five of them spurious) praising the bible, dog and christianity set against a blurry backdrop depicting soldiers carrying an American flag.

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