Sunday, December 7, 2014

The republicans shout down Ted Cruz over spending bill

The hyenas are turning on their own (and that is a good thing)
by Robert Schroeder
Ted Cruz is clashing with his fellow repugican senators over plans for a bill that would keep the U.S. government from shutting down next week.
The Texas repugican, and other wingnuts want to derail House repugicans’ plans to keep the government funded past Dec. 11. The Texan said he opposes a plan to pass a bill to keep the government funded through September, revisit Department of Homeland Security funding early next year and pass a proposal disapproving of President Barack Obama’s immigration policy. As Politico reports, some of his Senate colleagues say his plan would result in a government shutdown. “We’re just not going there,” said Sen. John Cornyn of Texas about revisiting anything like 2013’s shutdown fight, in which Cruz played a large role.
House repugican leaders pushed ahead with the plan Cruz despises. As The Wall Street Journal reported, the House voted Thursday on a bill that would express repugicans’ opposition to Obama’s executive orders on immigration. But the vote will be largely symbolic: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has said his chamber won’t consider the measure. Meanwhile, as the Journal says, House repugican cabal leaders are banking on the prospect of help from Democrats to pass the government-funding bill, given the wingnuts’ opposition.

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