Thursday, December 18, 2014

The repugicans Drive Congress’s Approval Rating Towards Record Lows

John Boehner, Mitch McConnell
The repugican midterm election theft has driven Congress’s approval ratings down even lower according to a new poll released by Gallup.
According to Gallup, “Gallup’s most current monthly rating of Congress, from a Dec. 8-11 poll, shows 16% of Americans approving of Congress. That is little changed from November, but remains down from a slightly higher 20% reading just before this year’s midterm elections. That is the only time Congress’ monthly approval rating has reached the 20% mark over the last two years. Approval fell to an all-time monthly low of 9% in November 2013 after the partial government shutdown.”
Gallup blamed the low approval ratings on the fact that control of Congress has been divided, but a better explanation is the lack of legislation passed by the repugican obstructed body combined with a Congress that since the repugican takeover of the House has not been responsive to the needs of the American people.
The Koch agenda that has been pushed by House repugicans, and will be taken up by the Senate in January is not popular. Over the last few years, Congress has failed to pass a popular background checks bill for gun owners, an increase in the minimum wage, improving veterans benefits, extending unemployment benefits, and increased infrastructure spending. All of this legislation was popular with the American people but was killed by Congressional repugicans.
The do-nothingness of the Congress is likely to continue after repugicans take control. The problem isn’t divided government. The big issue is that Congress is being controlled by repugicans who only care about their donors. This isn’t a Congress that is working for the American people. It is a body that is only interested in those who are writing the biggest campaign contribution checks.
Expecting repugicans to be the solution to the problem that they caused, is not only unrealistic, it’s foolish.

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