Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Today in History

1582 - France begins use of Gregorian calendar1672 - NY Gov Lovelace announces monthly mail service between NY & Boston
1684 - Isaac Newton's derivation of Kepler's laws from his theory of gravity, contained in the paper De motu corporum in gyrum, is read to the Royal Society by Edmund Halley.
1690 - Massachussetts Bay becomes first American colonial goverment to borrow money 
1745 - Bonnie Prince Charlie's army reaches Manchester
1799 - Metric system adopted in France, first country to do so
1810 - Tom Cribb (GB) beats Tom Molineaus (US-Negro) in 1st interracial boxing championship (40 rounds)
1817 - Mississippi admitted as 20th state of the Union
1836 - Emory College (now Emory University) is chartered in Oxford, Georgia.
1868 - The first traffic lights are installed outside the Palace of Westminster in London. Resembling railway signals, they use semaphore arms and are illuminated at night by red and green gas lamps. 
1869 - Women suffrage (right to vote) granted in Wyoming Territory (US 1st)
1896 - 1st intercollegiate basketball game (Wesleyan beats Yale 4-3).
1902 - Women are given the right to vote in Tasmania.
1907 - The worst night of the Brown Dog riots in London, when 1,000 medical students clash with 400 police officers over the existence of a memorial for animals who have been vivisected.
1911 - Calbraith Rogers completes 1st crossing of US by airplane (84 days)
1922 - Pete Henry makes longest known NFL drop-kicked field goal, 45 yards
1926 - 1st radio broadcast in the Sprinfield area (WCBS)
1927 - Grand Ole Opry makes its 1st radio broadcast, in Nashville, TN
1945 - Preston Tucker reveals plan to produce the Torpedo, a new 150 MPH car
1948 - UN General Assembly adopts Universal Declaration of Human Rights
1968 - Japan's biggest heist, the still-unsolved "300 million yen robbery", occurs in Tokyo.
1984 - 1st "planet" outside our solar system discovered
2013 - Uruguay becomes the first country to legalize the growth, sale, and use of marijuana
December 10th is the day the Nobel prizes are awarded. 
Here are some of the past winners:
1901 - First Nobel Peace Prizes awarded (to Jean Henri Dunant, Frederic Passy)
1901 - First Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to Wilhelm Röntgen for his discovery of X-rays
1903 - Nobel for physics awarded to Pierre and Marie Curie
1906 - Pres Theodore Roosevelt (1st American) awarded Nobel Peace Prize
1907 - Ruyard Kipling receives Nobel prize for literature
1910 - Johannes van der Waals wins Nobel Prize for physics
1911 - Calbraith Rogers completes 1st crossing of US by airplane (84 days)
1911 - Tobias Asser given Nobel prize for peace
1913 - Kamerlingh Onnes receives Nobel prize for physics
1919 - Nobel peace prize awarded to US president Wilson
1920 - August Krogh is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the regulation mechanisms of capillaries in skeletal muscle
1922 - Nobel prizes awarded to Fridtjof Nansen, Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein
1924 - Willem Einthoven awarded Nobel for medicine
1925 - George Bernard Shaw awarded Nobel prize
1931 - Jane Addams (1st US woman) named co-recipient of Nobel Peace Prize 
1936 - Stockholm: physicist PBJ Debije receives Nobel prize for chemistry
1946 - German/Swiss novelist Hermann Hesse wins the Nobel Prize in Literature "for his inspired writings which, while growing in boldness and penetration, exemplify the classical humanitarian ideals and high qualities of style"
1950 - Ralph J Bunche (1st black American) presented Nobel Peace Prize
1954 - Linus Pauling wins Nobel Prize in Chemistry 
1954 - Albert Schweitzer receives Nobel Peace Prize
1960 - Willard Libby wins the Nobel prize in Chemistry for his work developing carbon-14 dating (radiocarbon dating).
1961 - Robert Hofstadter and Rudolf Ludwig Mössbauer win the Nobel Prize in Physics for their pioneering studies of electron scattering in atomic nuclei and discoveries concerning the structure of the nucleon
1964 - Nobel Peace Prize presented to Dr Martin Luther King Jr. in Oslo
1966 - Israeli Shmuel Yosef Agnon wins Nobel Prize for literature 
1966 - Nobel for chemistry awarded to Robert S Mulliken
1971 - West German union chancellor W Burns receives Nobel prize of peace
1975 - Andrei Sakharov's wife Yelena Bonner, accepts his Nobel Peace Prize
1978 - In Oslo, Menachem Begin & Anwar Sadat accept 1978 Nobel Peace Prize
1983 - Danuta Walesa, wife of Lech Walesa, accepts his Nobel Peace Prize
1984 - South African Bishop Desmond Tutu received his Nobel Peace Prize
1986 - Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel accepts 1986 Nobel Peace Prize
1994 - Nobel prize awarded to Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat  
1998 - Indian Professor Amartya Sen is awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Economics for his contributions to welfare economics

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