Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wingnuts Have A Double Standard When It Comes To Use Of Police Force On Blacks

In the past few weeks, there has been an uprising of awareness of police brutality all over the U.S. yet it appears that wingnuts are countering the protests …
There is a double standard when it comes to use-of-force in the U.S. When the police use techniques that cause pain or death, the crowds come out of the woodwork and voice their opinion. In the past few weeks, there has been an uprising of awareness of police brutality all over the U.S. yet it appears that wingnuts are countering the protest with the justification that if you fail to submit to the police, you deserve what you get…that is until their own are brutalized.
After reading the rag, Wingnut Tribune, I visited their Facebook page and read about the Eric Garner Story. One comment that caught my attention was:
Rebecca ***** He didn’t die over a cigarette. He died because HE made a choice to be non-compliant. He was fully aware what he was doing was wrong. I guess in the future police officers should just walk away if someone doesn’t want to be arrested?
Lets say for argument sake Garner did not properly comply, (even though he did raise his hands up) then the justification to use the right amount of force necessary to make an arrest is then proper, right? Then Rebecca as well as the rest of the pro-police-pro-use-of-force wingnuts would agree then that any use of force used to make an arrest is justifiable…just like:
Back in June 1989, the LAPD used the nunchakus as a device to arrest non-compliant protesters like the folks from Operation Rescue, who refused to move from Planned Parenthood centers. The pro-lifers used petroleum jelly on their arms so that when officers would arrest them, the protesters can slip away. LAPD then decided to use the device to lock their arms behind their back, and the pain would force them to stand up.
When the anti-choicer refused to move, their arms were broken. This caused a lot of grief and forced the LAPD to ban this practice. Yet the same people who abhor this, have no issue of killing a black man either by shooting them or using a choke-hold, and that to them is OK, because, they failed to comply.
So the issue of use-of-force has become a racial and political issue and by political issue, I mean specifically for blacks, Hispanics and liberals who fail to comply, but when the same principles are applied to wingnut cabals, be it police shooting: Black Cop Cleared in Shooting of Unarmed White Man… Media Says NOTHING, the IRS or any other so-called “government overreach”, the wingnuts call it tyranny, fascism and ultimately blame President Obama.
There is no middle ground for wingnuts, because, they feel that their way is the only way with no compromising their values, even though back in 1989, pro-choice liberals and Operation Rescue were bringing up complaints to judges about the LAPD’s violent actions against O.R. I see no end in sight. As long as we have violence and the wingnuts, from the street thug to our elected official in Congress who say, “…if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a choke-hold.”, I see no justice anywhere, just cities paying out families who are victims of brutality as well as blood in the streets.

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