Friday, December 26, 2014

Woman reunited with lost luggage after 20 years

Maria Dellos has been having bad luck with lost luggage. The latest incident happened about four months ago when one of her bags went missing. So when the TSA called her recently, she wasn’t surprised.
But the TSA were calling about a bag filled with art supplies that went missing two decades ago. Dellos, a designer and teacher who owns Maria’s Art Creations in Tucson, Arizona, had travelled to a trade show in Las Vegas 20 years ago and filled a suitcase with about $600 worth of art supplies.
The suitcase never made it home. How and why the items turned up after all these years remains a mystery. “I understand that we just did some shuffling of equipment at the airport, so it’s quite possible that we came across something that somebody left unattended for a long period of time,” TSA spokesperson Nico Melendez said.

The good news didn’t stop there. The TSA also returned her lost luggage from four months ago as well. “I’m absolutely thankful to the TSA for calling me today and giving me great faith back into the airline industry,” she added.

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