Thursday, December 11, 2014

Woman woke up to find mystery baby in her bed

A Michigan woman woke up to find an infant in her bed on Sunday, having no idea where the child came from or whose it was.
Battle Creek Police took custody of the baby pending the arrival of Child Protective Services. Police said the child became “an instant hit” with the officers on duty.
The officers gave the child “matchbox cars, teddy bears and beanie babies” and even changed the baby’s diaper, making the child’s odd experience a little easier to get through. The baby has since been identified and is in the process of being returned to his mother.
It turns out that the original caller’s son had dropped off the child before going out for the night and didn’t notify his sleeping mother. In another twist, the baby was not related to the man. Child Protective Services is in the process of investigating the incident.

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