Thursday, January 1, 2015

Alcoholic cane toad found wedged in beer bottle holder

A possibly alcoholic cane toad was found tightly wedged into a stubby holder by Ken Brodie of Darwin in Australia's Northern Territory.
Mr Brodie said he had invited some old mates that he hadn’t seen in more than 40 years over for a few drinks. His son pointed out the bizarre sight the next morning.
It’s not unusual to stumble upon cane toads hiding in buckets and shoes in the Top End but Mr Brodie said he had never seen such a spectacle. “Maybe there was a little dribble of beer left over in there,” he said.
“Maybe it was the bad singing, I don’t know. I did actually go and release him.” Mr Brodie said the tubby critter looked relatively unscathed when freed. “His eyes were spinning around a bit but other than that he was all right,” he said.

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