Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Couple told to remove TARDIS from their driveway

A Florida couple have been served a violation letter by their homeowner's association, and now have 2 days to remove their TV-show inspired time machine, from their driveway in Parrish.
Leann Moder and her husband Davis, consider themselves sci-fi super-fans of the long running BBC show, "Doctor Who" so much so that they own their own TARDIS (or Time and Relative Dimension in Space). But the homeowner's association took notice, telling them they had 15 days to remove the spacecraft.
"It has been brought to the attention of the Association that you have a blue call box that needs to be removed," said the violation letter. "Just struck me as a funny, formal letter about a silly blue box," says Leann Moder. They were such big fans of the show that the blue box all started as part of the couple's marriage ceremony, 2 years ago.
The Moder's had a "Doctor Who" themed wedding, with the TARDIS as their altar, and this year they decided to use it again as part of their Halloween decorations. While the Moder's say they are happy to comply with their HOA, they still have big plans on the horizon for their currently empty TARDIS. "We're working on the bigger inside technologies," they say.

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