Friday, January 30, 2015

Disaster Looming For repugicans As Poll Finds 64% Want To Keep Obamacare Subsidies

A new Kaiser Health Tracking Poll found that Congressional repugicans are living in a difference universe from most Americans. The poll found that 64% of Americans want to Congress to act to restore ACA subsidies if the Supreme Court rules against the health care law.
If the Supreme Court rules that financial assistance is only available in states with state-run marketplaces, nearly two-thirds of the public says that Congress should take action so that people in all states can be eligible for financial help to purchase health insurance. Majorities of Democrats and independents say they would support Congressional action while repugicans are more divided. And, although the Supreme Court’s decision would have significant implications for many people in states using the federal exchange, their views are similar to those of people living in states with their own marketplace.
A nightmare scenario for repugicans would unfold if the Supreme Court ruled the ACA subsidies unconstitutional in states that have not set up their own exchanges. The repugicans are committed to killing the ACA. Their most ardent supporters want to kill the law. The problem is that nearly two-thirds of the American people want congressional repugicans to act to protect the subsidies if the Supreme Court rules them unconstitutional.
Millions of people will lose their health care if the subsidies go away. The fate of the subsidies would become a big issue in the 2016 presidential election, and the repugicans will be trapped between doing what a majority wants and what their lunatic fringe wingnut ideological base wants. A Supreme Court ruling against the subsidies would be a disaster for the repugican cabal. If Congressional repugicans refuse to act to restore, the subsidies voters will blame them for the loss of their health care.
The House has announced that they will vote to repeal the ACA next week. Only 32% of those polled in Kaiser poll want the law repealed. Congressional repugicans are completely out of touch with the majority of Americans on the issue of the ACA. If the Supreme Court rules against the subsidies, the wingnut justices will be dropping a ticking time bomb into the laps of repugicans.
No matter how the Supreme Court rules, this won’t end well for the repugican cabal.

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