Thursday, January 8, 2015

Emu spotted running through traffic in Israel

Residents of the coastal Israeli city of Herzliya saw an unusual sight on Sunday afternoon, as an emu ran down a road in the rain. One resident said he was concerned the bird, which was running at nearly 40 kilometers (about 25 miles) an hour, could cause an accident.
"I called the police and reported the emu sighting. They were stunned. As I drove, I noticed that a city vehicle had arrived to deal with the emu and was zigzagging between lanes, but I was the only one who managed to chase after it with my scooter," he said. He said he tried to stop the emu a number of times, but it tried to attack him.

After several minutes of chasing the bird, the resident managed to steer it towards a lawn. Two employees of Herzliya's City Hall Veterinarian Department arrived after a few minutes and joined the attempt to capture the emu; one of them managed to grab it by the neck, but the emu went wild and tried to kick and peck at him.
Herzliya City Hall confirmed the report and said they were holding the emu until the Nature and Parks Authority had looked into the incident. Sources said the emu probably escaped from an unregistered farm somewhere in Israel's center. City Hall has been attempting to find the owner.

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