Friday, January 2, 2015

Fantastic Bridges That Look Like They Lead To Another World

Crossing over a bridge doesn’t always make you feel like you're crossing over into a magical kingdom, but it must feel like that no matter where you’re headed when you cross over one of these 20 Mystical Bridges That Will Take You To Another World.
These amazing bridges aren’t just the way to get where you’re going-  they’re what people travel from far away to see because they’re so beautiful, and every one of them would make a great set piece for a movie.
Some have been standing for over a thousand years, like the Ponte Gobbo in Italy, which was built by monks around the 7th century AD:
Others are relatively new, like the Puente Nuevo bridge in Spain, which was built in the 18th century:
They kinda make our modern steel bridges look dull and boring, now don't they?

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