Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Faux News: Pope's acknowledgment of climate change reveals 'population control' agenda

In recent weeks, Pope Francis has made statements regarding climate change, urging catholics worldwide to take measures to protect and preserve the environment. It's said that the pontiff is planning to issue a major edict in 2015 regarding the environment and to hold an enclave of world religious leaders ahead of the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, slated for November in Paris.
According to Media Matters, Faux News has chosen to portray the Pope's attention to climate change as a radical decision to side against his own cult and align himself with "environmental extremists who favor widespread population control and wealth redistribution."
On Dec. 30, Faux News hack Doug McKelway claimed that Francis will be "aligning himself with some cult enemies" by taking up the climate change gauntlet.
The wingnut 'news' network also welcomed paid shill for the pro-business, anti-environmentalist group Climate Depot Marc Morano, who blithely lied that there's been "no global warming" for "almost two decades."
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) reported earlier this week that 2014 was actually the warmest year on record around the world. All of Morano's spurious claims have been debunked by science and yet he insisted that the ice caps are growing, that the planet isn't warming and that climate change is a hoax that a naïve, radical Pope is signing on to after the science has been settled the other way.

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