Friday, January 23, 2015

Man with lightning reflexes saved toddler as runaway stroller raced towards steep drop

A quick thinking man with lightning reflexes was able to save a toddler from almost certain injury when he caught a runaway baby stroller in Turkey.
CCTV footage that emerged on Friday shows the local fisherman, Mehmet Soysal, 35, on his phone just moments before the stroller comes flying down a hill in the coastal city of Bodrum.

Spotting the stroller, he quickly ended his phone call and caught the pram carrying two-year-old Ali Ceyhan as it hurtled towards a 50ft drop. The toddler was then propelled forward out of the chair and onto the tarmacked road. Mr Soysal then picked up the baby as stunned onlookers watched on in horror.

The toddler was unharmed except for some minor scrapes and bruises. The boy's mother, Cansu Sahin, 29, said she took her hands off the pram momentarily to show her husband something, and it rolled off. She added: "I can't begin to thank enough the man who saved my little boy. He is an absolute hero."

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