Saturday, January 10, 2015

Mitch McConnell Tries To Take Credit For The 11 Million Jobs That President Obama Created

Mitch McConnell (r-KY) tried to rewrite his history of obstruction and failure by taking credit for the economic growth that has occurred under President Obama.
On the Senate floor, McConnell tried to hijack Obama’s record on jobs.
McConnell said, “After so many years of sluggish growth, we’re finally starting to see some economic data that can provide a glimmer of hope. The uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama administration’s long tenure in Washington: The expectation of a new republican congress.”
Democrats could not contain their laughter. DNC Communications Director Mo Elleithee said, “Hahahahahahahahahahaha. That Mitch McConnell is one funny guy. He likes to remind people all the time that he’s not a scientist. Now we know he’s not a mathematician or an economist either. The fact is, under President Obama we’ve had 57 straight months of private sector job growth leading to nearly 11 million jobs added. All repugicans have given us is a government shutdown that cost the economy $24 billion. I get why he wants to take credit for the economic recovery. But maybe he should first do something to help contribute to it.”
The reality is that the economy gained 11 million jobs in spite of McConnell’s best efforts to keep the recession going. Unless McConnell believes that the economy started growing because the American people anticipated in 2011 that repugicans would steal control of Congress in 2014, his point makes absolutely no sense. The repugicans have no positive economic achievements of their own to tout, so they are trying to take credit for what President Obama has done.
As Boehner and McConnell realize that they aren’t going to be able to pass much legislation that will be signed into law, one should expect to hear a lot more of this sort of accomplishment hijacking. The repugicans have done little that is worthy of praise, so they will try to justify their majority by taking credit for Obama’s accomplishments. The repugicans like Mitch McConnell have been predicting gloom and doom for the economy since President Obama took office.
Instead of owning their mistakes, repugicans are trying to rewrite history in order to take all of the credit. Mitch McConnell’s policies remain the biggest threat to the economy that the American people and President Obama have worked so hard to build.

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