Monday, January 5, 2015

New Laws That Take Effect in 2015

"It's the law" is a phrase uttered by authority figures everywhere. At times, laws can cause public controversy. Sometimes a lack of laws against certain acts can cause a furor when those acts are committed and condemned in the court of public opinion. Occasionally we hear of odd, archaic laws that are still on the books, though rarely enforced. Such examples are often legislation that seems so odd, it's hard to wrap our brains around it coming into existence.
Whether residents of these states like it or not, there are a number of laws that went into effect with the change of year to 2015. In Massachusetts, residents are now able to order wine online from wineries in other states. Before that law was effective, Massachusetts residents were banned from ordering from approximately 98% of all wine producers. Cheers, Massachusetts!In New York, all residents must now recycle their old computers and other unwanted tech toys, or they're subject to a $100 fine. More importantly, also in New York, selfies with big cats such as tigers are now banned. Who knows how many lives that legislation will touch? Hopefully the backlash won't result in social unrest.
Read about more laws that became effective in 2015 here. 

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