Monday, January 19, 2015

Nine Houses Which Were Built Out Of Spite

People build houses and buildings for all sorts of good reasons, and a few bad ones, but building a house just for spite? Now that’s a new one!
Jerry Seinfeld once tried to return a jacket out of spite for the salesman who sold it to him, and that didn’t work out very well for him, but spite will make you do crazy things as you’ll see in 9 Houses Built Just For Spite, vintage mental_floss circa 2013.
It is there that you will discover how one man dealt with noisy people using the alley next to his house, and how a doctor guy from Maryland kept the city from building a road through his property, and how this other dude in Nevada dealt with living next door to his enemy.
Spoiler alert- every story involves a house being built, and some spite! (Insert obligatory spite as building material joke here)

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