Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Obama Hits The Koch Congress Where It Hurts By Proposing More Drilling Restrictions On ANWR

obama preserve anwr
President Obama stayed five steps ahead of the repugican misled Congress by announcing his administration’s plan to protect more of the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge from drilling.
The president said:
Alaska’s National Wildlife Refuge is an incredible place. Pristine, undisturbed, it supports caribou and polar bears, all matter of marine life, countless species of birds and fish, and for centuries it’s supported many Alaska native communities, but it’s very fragile. That’s why that my Department of Interior has put forth a comprehensive plan to make sure that we’re protecting the refuge and that we’re designating new areas, including coastal plains for preservation. And I’m going to be calling on Congress to make sure that they take it one step further. Designating it as a wilderness, so that we can make sure that this amazing wonder is preserved for future generations.
The Department of Interior is proposing a plan that would recommend that, “12.28 million acres – including the Coastal Plain – for designation as wilderness. The Service also recommends four rivers – the Atigun, Hulahula, Kongakut, and Marsh Fork Canning – for inclusion into the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. Currently, over 7 million acres of the refuge are managed as wilderness, consistent with the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980. However, more than 60 percent of the refuge – including the Coastal Plain – does not carry that designation. Designation as wilderness would protect and preserve the refuge, ensuring the land and water would remain unimpaired for use and enjoyment by future generations. Only Congress has the authority to designate Wilderness areas and Wild and Scenic Rivers.”
The repugican chairwimp of the Senate Energy Committee, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska vowed to fight the new plan, “What’s coming is a stunning attack on our sovereignty and our ability to develop a strong economy that allows us, our children and our grandchildren to thrive. It’s clear this administration does not care about us, and sees us as nothing but a territory. The promises made to us at statehood, and since then, mean absolutely nothing to them. I cannot understand why this administration is willing to negotiate with Iran, but not Alaska. But we will not be run over like this. We will fight back with every resource at our disposal.”
As the Koch repugican inept-run Congress is trying to pass Keystone XL, President Obama took another pro-environment step against the repugican cabal agenda. The repugicans have been trying to open up ANWR to more drilling since 1977. Before the latest flare-up of the issue, the shrub tried to get Congress to reverse the ban on offshore drilling.
While the president continues trying to move the country forward towards a sensible and self-sustaining energy policy, repugicans continue to do Big Oil’s bidding. The Alaska economy is dependent on drilling, so their opposition to the president’s conservation plan is understandable, but Obama was sending a message to the American people. The president is laying out an agenda for the Democratic Party that paints a clear contrast with what the repugicans are offering.
While repugicans are bogged down on Keystone XL, President Obama has already moved five steps ahead.

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