In the case of the egg, Sergeant Taylor said: “Somebody has forced open the door to the football club shed at the playing field next to the school.I don't think the egg is all that mysterious. Costumed criminals leave calling cards all the time, such as the Riddler's puzzles and the Joker's joker playing cards. This new supervillain is leaving his own signature. The only question that remains is: who is this new nemesis? In the comments, offer your own hypotheses.
“It is fairly evident that this was done sometime over Tuesday evening and most probably to get a football out for a kick around.
“Regrettably however the door was damaged in the process as can be seen in the picture with the bottom of the door split.
“There are few clues as to how this came to happen other than a fried egg was left at the scene.”
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Police Puzzled by Fried Egg Left at Crime Scene
Isles of Scilly are a British archipelago off the coast of Cornwall.
Police there recently investigated the burglary of a soccer equipment
storage shed at a school. There, they found a fried egg left at the
door. The Cornishman quotes a member of the police force:
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