Monday, January 19, 2015

Public help police identify washing machine urinator

Following an appeal for help from the public, police in Vermont have identified the Washing Machine Urinator. Investigators are now trying to locate and question Steven Byrd, the man who relieved himself inside the Waterbury Laundry & Dry.
Video of the December 29 incident was recorded by a surveillance camera inside the business. Byrd was with some friends in the self-serve laundromat when he pulled up a chair to the washing machine, opened the lid, and began urinating.
When finished, he zipped up his pants and shut the machine’s lid. Byrd was identified from a photo uploaded to his Facebook page two days before the urination incident.

The business was unattended when Byrd and his friends arrived after 8pm and “began throwing stuff around,” according to Police Chief Joby Feccia, who added that the department received “dozens of calls” from the public identifying the individuals seen in the surveillance video. When Byrd is apprehended, he will likely be cited for vandalism.

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