Thursday, January 22, 2015

Something is Hidden Behind the Soda Machine in This Diner

What looks like a vintage Coke machine in this Shanghai sandwich shop called The Press is actually a door. Those who open the door and step beyond it find their environment transformed. The bright lights of the diner turn to the dim ambience and inviting design of Flask, a modern-day speakeasy.This unlikely food and drink duo is the brainchild of Alberto Caiola, Associate Design Director at Coordination Asia Architecture Design & Consulting Company. The general idea behind the hidden bar entrance can be found in various forms in other cities worldwide: it lends an air of exclusivity to the establishment. Walking through an unmarked entrance gives patrons a feeling that they're part of an alluring secret.
Flask is an attractive space with winning décor. It looks like an interesting spot to have a cocktail. See pictures of it here and at Caiola's website, which also has a detailed description of the place and the inspiration behind it.

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