Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Daily Drift

Hey, wingnuts, yeah, we're talking to you ...!
Carolina Naturally is read in 200 countries around the world daily.   
You know you love the Kazoo ... !
Today is  -  National Kazoo Day

Don't forget to visit our sister blog: It Is What It Is

Some of our readers today have been in:
The Americas
Brazil - Canada - Colombia - Costa Rica - Mexico - Nicaragua - Puerto Rico -United States
Bulgaria - England - France - Germany - Greece - Iceland - Ireland - Italy - Latvia - Malta - Netherlands - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Russia - Serbia - Slovakia - Spain - Ukraine
Bangladesh - China - India - Indonesia - Iran - Malaysia -Saudi Arabia - Timor/Leste - United Arab Emirates - Vietnam
The Pacific
Australia - Guam - Philippines
Editorial Note: We are experimenting with a new way of listing the world wide reach this blog enjoys. Also, the wingnuts are still attempting to pervert this blog and are still failing as wingnuts always do with anything they try. It's comical and we can always use a good laugh.
Thanks for all the great comments you have been sending in we are working on sorting them and will publish some shortly - we have to remove the trash (read: wingnut shrieks) before we will publish them.

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