Sunday, January 25, 2015

The repugicans Wrong: Obama Air Campaign Works As ISIL Suffers Heavy Defeats In Iraq

Obama speech ISIL strategy
The repugicans have gone silent after the news broke that ISIL is suffering heavy losses in Iraq, and what has turned the tide is the U.S. bombing campaign against the terrorists.
According to The Fiscal Times, “Over the last 24 hours, ISIL has been defeated in every front in Iraq in unprecedented way. From Mosul to the north to Anbar to the west and Diyala to the east, Iraqi government forces, Shiite militias, Sunni tribes and Kurdish forces were all victorious in battle. Since the start of the U.S.-led air campaign, ISIL has lost its momentum in Iraq and lost some of the cities and towns that it captured in June 2014. It still controls the provincial capitals Mosul and Tikrit as well as the city of Fallujah west of Baghdad, and many other small towns throughout.”
Sec. of State John Kerry said today that thousands of ISIL fighters have been killed, “Two days after President Obama told Congress that Islamic State’s advances in Syria and Iraq were being halted, Secretary of State John Kerry offered specifics Thursday, saying thousands of the fighters had been killed and 270 square miles recaptured in Iraq.”
The repugicans immediately criticized President Obama’s strategy for combating ISIL after the Paris terror attacks, but it appears that Obama’s strategy is working. Sec. of State Kerry stated that it would take a year or two to get ISIL out of Iraq, but repugicans were wrong. The repugicn cabal calls for more war and boots on the ground have been wrong. The repugicans are stuck in their shrub era war on terror mindset.
The “war on terror” was a failure, but repugicans continue to insist that a return to the past is the proper policy for the future. President Obama is proving them wrong. ISIL is being defeated Iraq without U.S. boots on the ground. President Obama’s policies are working, and the results are visible in Iraq. The best way to guarantee a successful foreign policy future is to avoid returning to the repugican mistakes of the past.

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