Sunday, January 25, 2015

This repugican wants you to never read full Torture Report, because you can't handle the truth

U.S. Army Military Police escort a detainee to his cell during in-processing to the temporary detention facility at Camp X-Ray in Naval Base Guantanamo Bay (Reuters)
Jason Leopold at VICE News reports that Richard Burr, the repugican chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, is trying to ensure that the 6,900-page report about the CIA's torture of terrorism suspects captured after 9/11 is never publicly released.
Additionally, Jason tells us, "I obtained a copy of a letter Feinstein sent to Obama two days after Burr wrote to him demanding that the torture report be returned. Burr is attempting to establish that the torture report is a 'congressional record,' which is not subject to provisions of FOIA as opposed to an 'agency record,' which is."
"For more than a year," Jason explains, "VICE News has been engaged in a FOIA lawsuit against the government that seeks access to both the Panetta Review and the full torture report's executive summary. While the committee already released the latter document VICE News is still pursuing a less redacted copy of it."
From Jason's report at VICE News:
Last week, Richard Burr asked the White House to return all copies of the document that were disseminated last month to executive branch officials by his predecessor, Dianne Feinstein, according to a copy of a one-page letter Burr sent to President Barack Obama and obtained by VICE News.
The purpose of Burr's request for a mass recall was allegedly to prevent the document from being subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), according to US officials and congressional sources who said the issue is "sensitive" and declined to discuss it on the record.

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