Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Woman stole TV by hiding it under her dress

Police are hunting a female shoplifter who was caught on camera stuffing a boxed plasma TV up her dress before strolling out the store. CCTV footage caught the thief strolling into the open showroom in the town of Guapiles in central Costa Rica, as a female friend looked on.
After quickly checking for security, she picked up the plasma TV, straddled the box, straightened her dress, then walked off with it wedged firmly between her thighs. Shop assistant Jacint Ramirez Callas, 25, said: "She did it so quickly no one had time to notice or react.
"And having watched the video it is amazing that the TV doesn’t fall out from between her legs. She must be a pro or have very thick thighs. She left as if she didn't have a care in the world. I’ve never seen anything like it." Now police have appealed to the public for help in catching the thief by releasing the video of snatch and grab.

A spokesman for the police said: "We believe this woman has had a lot of experience of doing this as it only took her 13 seconds from start to finish. Either she has been practicing at home or has carried out similar thefts and we appeal to anybody who might know more to get in touch." Police have asked anyone who may recognize the women involved to contact them.

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