Thursday, January 22, 2015

Woman who wet pants at haunted amusement park upset her photo is being used by company

A woman who wet her pants at a haunted amusement park in New Zealand is upset a photo of the incident is being used to market the company on social media. Spookers theme park in South Auckland are using a photo of the woman's wet shorts on the top banner on their Facebook page.
The woman, who does not want to be named, is demanding Spookers take the picture down. She says she had been teased because friends and relatives recognized her from her clothing. A relative who was with the woman on the night said she had wet her pants through laughter, not fright.
"We had been through the haunted house and we were laughing so much and she lost control of her bladder," the relative said. "She has seen the Facebook page and she is not happy, she doesn't want it up there." The woman's relative said she was going to call Spookers to complain and ask them to remove the post.
Spookers' director Beth Watson said she had not yet complained but would take the photo down if the woman called her. "We do have a sign saying we take photos for promotional reasons but if people call us we remove the photos from Facebook immediately." Watson believed the photo was fine to use because it didn't show the woman's face. Watson said about five people wet their pants at Spookers each night. "It is very, very common and most people aren't embarrassed about it at all," she said.

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