Saturday, February 21, 2015

9 Of The 10 Senators Who Got Paid By Taxpayers But Missed The Most Votes Are repugicans

Rubio CruzMarco Rubio (r-FLA) is the “least likely to show up for work.” Ted Cruz (r-TX) also tops the list of no-shows. This is convenient because both are now working as a chairman for subcommittees that oversee climate change in some capacity, and what better way to deny reality than to not show up.
Nine of the ten spots of no-shows go to repugicans, according to a new analysis by working with
Vocativ says there is a Senate absentee rate average of 2.01 percent, with Rubio taking the lead at 8.30% percent no shows. The “biggest no-shows in Congress”, per Vocativ:
List of absentee senators from Vocativ
The repugicans are Marco Rubio (r-FLA) with an 8.30% absentee rate, Jerry Moran (r-KS), John Boozman (r-AS), Ted Cruz (r-TX), David Vitter (r-LA), Lisa Murkowski (r-AK), Lindsey Graham (r-SC), Jim Inhofe (r-OK) and Roy Blunt (r-MO). The Democrat is Brian Schatz (D-HA), which they justify because it’s so far away (um, no, please show up for your pay).
Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are supposed to be big stars who might make a run for the White House, yet they now each have the dubious honor of being a biggest no-show. This should matter, but it probably doesn’t matter to repugican voters. After all, repugican ideology dictates “small government” (though you wouldn’t know this when it comes to their use of subsidies, addiction to defense spending except when they’re shutting down government or refusing — for years– to pass a real budget, propping up certain favorites in the market, or use of government to impose their alleged religious choices onto the populace). But it’s also true that the minority tends to show up less, and up until seven weeks ago, repugicans were the minority in the senate.

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