Friday, February 6, 2015

A 4,500-Year-Old Wrist Guard Unearthed in Scotland

The discovery of a Bronze Age burial cist at a construction site in the Scottish Highland has led to a second grave that contained pottery and an archer’s wrist guard. “The shards have a distinctive decoration which may have been made on the clay before firing in a stabbing movement with something like a feather quill,” Mary Peteranna of AOC Archaeology Group told The Inverness Courier. The pieces make up about two-thirds of a beaker pot. Organic material at its base may yield information about its contents. “The wrist guard is also particularly exciting. It has holes so that it could be tied to the wrist with a leather strap, and may have been ornamental or functional,” she added. The artifacts may eventually be displayed in the health center that will be built on the site. For more, see "England's Remarkable Bronze Age Cremation Burial."

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