Monday, February 16, 2015

Another Day, Another repugican Caused Disaster

The DHS funding fight that repugicans provoked with President Obama is a hole that Boehner keeps digging himself deeper and deeper into.
Listen to Sarah and Jason discuss the repugican cabal’s six weeks of disaster:
boehner-thumbs-up-485x311Boehner and the repugicans provoked a confrontation with the president over his immigration executive actions, but now they find themselves painted into a corner. Senate repugicans will try once again to move the House-passed bill that would fund Homeland Security while overturning President Obama’s executive actions on immigration on February 23.
The bill is widely expected to be blocked by Senate Democrats. To date, repugicans have yet to pick any additional votes of support from the Senate Democrats on this bill. The repugican reign as the congressional majority has resulted in one passed bill becoming law in six weeks.
The Homeland Security funding crisis is another in a long line of repugican manufactured crisis over the last few years. The repugicans can’t govern. They won’t govern, and creating a crisis is their way of distracting from their failures.
One of the major consistencies in American politics right now is that the repugican cabal can be counted on cause drama and crisis.

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