Thursday, February 26, 2015

Another Republican Needs Remedial Lessons in Lady Parts

Oh no. A Republican tried to do biology again. This never goes well.
Lady PartsThis time it was Idaho state legislator Vito Barbieri, who sits on a committee considering a bill that would ban telemedicine abortions (where a woman video-chats with a doctor who prescribes medication to induce an abortion).  Barbieri had a question for a doctor testifying against the ban, and he had some…difficulties…with the basics of female anatomy.
He asked the doctor testifying if a woman could swallow a pill with a camera so her doctor could conduct a remote gynecological exam. In her vagina. With a camera. That she swallowed.
Here’s a (very) rough diagram for Rep. Barbieri to explain the problem with his plan. I drew it in crayon in the hopes that it would help him relate.
So unless Barbieri thinks doctors need to conduct rectal exams before they prescribe abortion medication, his suggestion is ignorant, offensive, and insane.
Needless to say, the bill still passed the committee, 13-4, because anti-choice Republicans are terrible.

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