Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Editorial Comment

Thank you.
Carolina Naturally has had over 1.3 million readers thus far in 2015.
That is correct 1.3 million and the year is only 6 weeks old.
It is great to know our collection of stories from the entire human spectrum is appreciated by our readers.
Featuring pieces from around the corner and around the world we have a readership that spans the planet.
Sparing no sacred cows and constantly and consistently providing the truth where others wish it to remain hidden has developed a fiercely loyal readership - especially in places where the 'truth' is not really the truth but what despots say it is ... like the USA, China, Russia, Most of the Middle East for example.
Attempts to pervert this blog have been made by such that believe the despots (read: wingnuts) in the US, but all have failed and will continue to fail.
So, another big thank you to our readers.
Don't forget to have fun.
Oh, and today is Mardi gras

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