Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Eidtorial Comment

Dear readers as you are aware we here at Carolina Naturally have been plagued by wingnuts who cannot handle the truth and seek to subvert and pervert and silence the truth.

This blog was established to bring the truth unfettered by wingnuts because a forum that was popular with people of thinking capabilities was allowed to be subverted, perverted and eventually silenced by wingnuts deriding and mocking any who dared speak the truth and not follow the line of the wingnut pack of deluded lies. When someone had the audacity to call them on it they cried fowl and howled in their fake outrage that someone would dare to have the temerity to call them out on their behavior and accusing those who called them out of doing what they did  .... just as wingnuts do in all cases. In psychology this is called transference and projection, and the wingnuts are masters of it (the only thing they are masters of).

Currently we have a policy of immediately reporting all wingnuts who attempt to pervert this blog and it has caused many of the wingnuts to cease in their attempts (although it might be the fact their accounts are suspended and/or terminated for their behavior).

There is one particularly fowl-mouthed idiotic moron of a wingnut that calls itself "veteran" (insulting all real veterans in the process)  that cannot understand that it will not be allowed to spew its bile and vitriol here.
It has proven to be a pedophile with a morbid fascination with bestiality as well as a being a wingnut.
The more it tries the more it digs its own grave as it were.
We have an announcement: Due to the changes in Blogger and the time constraints of maintaining our sister blogs we will cease posting them on Blogger and move them to a more conducive platform beginning March 1, 2015. Also we will transition most of the political posts to a blog dedicated to exposing the wingnut lies. While we will continue to report repugican malfeasance here, the bulk will be on the blog The Truth Be Told beginning March 1st as well.
Now, on a happier note ... The arctic deep freeze has left (as of the moment) and we are back to a slightly cooler than normal for the time of year and everyone is out enjoying the late winter sun. We just wish they would wait a wee bit longer before inundating our front yard with their boats and jetskis, but they've been out there all day - it's only February people, the lake isn't going anywhere. However the impromptu BBQ  in the works for this evening looks to be a great time for everybody, these BBQs usually happen in June/July/August when the assorted lake denizens tie up to our dock for the evening before heading to the ramp to go home.

Well, we have got to go, the party is starting. So what if the snow is falling again.
Thank you again for reading Carolina Naturally.
Semper Fi

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