Friday, February 6, 2015

Faux News Helps ISIL Terrorists By Publishing Video Of Hostage Being Burned Alive

Faux News has drawn criticism from a terrorism expert for giving ISIL what it wants by publishing the full video of the terrorists burning Jordanian hostage Muadh al-Kasasbeh alive.
Faux News executive editor John Moody defended giving ISIl a platform to spread terror and fear, “After careful consideration, we decided that giving readers of the option to see for themselves the barbarity of ISIL outweighed legitimate concerns about the graphic nature of the video. Online users can choose to view or not view this disturbing content.”
ISIL is sharing links to the Faux News video on Twitter.
Terrorism expert Rick Nelson explained why Faux News erred by giving ISIL an American platform, “They’re a terror organization. They seek to strike terror in the hearts and minds of people globally, and by perpetuating these videos and putting them out there into the internet, it certainly expands the audience and potential effects. These groups need a platform, and this gives them a platform.”
This may come as a surprise to Faux News, but it possible to report the news without helping the terrorists spread their propaganda. The decision to publish the video was a sensationalistic attempt to get attention on the part of Faux News. What Faux News did was aid and assist ISIL by publishing their video.
The goal of terrorism is not to kill. Terrorists want to spread fear. By giving ISIL a platform in the United States, Faux News has given ISIL a platform.
Faux News has committed a deplorable act by publishing the Muadh al-Kasasbeh video. The terrorists get exactly what they desire most when the media publishes their videos. Facebook and YouTube both refuse to allow the video to be published on their sites. Faux News has demonstrated that they are willing to assist terrorists and promote their agenda if it means more publicity for the wingnut pseudo-news network.

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