Monday, February 23, 2015

If You Are Reading This, You Might Already Be a Terrorist

ScaryTerroristDudeAre you a terrorist? If so check this box: 
That’s exactly what terrorists might have to do soon if one New York state legislator gets his way. Thomas Croci ( a repugican of course ) introduced a bill that would require terrorists to register with the state the way that sex offenders do.
Croci thinks his bill would discourage terrorists from coming to New York and “provide our law enforcement with an important new tool.”
Let’s be clear about two things:
  1. Law enforcement officials already have access to lists of people who have been convicted of terrorism.
  2. If a terrorist wants to go to New York, he or she isn’t going to be discouraged by the possibility of ending up on a list.
Croci’s bill isn’t likely to go anywhere. But it’s a shining example of the terrible ideas legislators can come up with when they have too much time on their hands.

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