Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Link Dump

If for some reason you need taser-resistant clothing, buy a fencing jacket (video at the link).Criminals in Britain are plundering ATMs by flooding them with flammable gas (acetylene and oxygen) and then exploding them.  "The combined take of almost £250,000, or about $375,000, was the group’s biggest score in a single night yet. Their MO, using cheap, common, and legal gas, was nearly impossible to trace, and they left precious little forensic evidence for the police. To stop the rampage, there was little Britain’s banks could do."
Bloomberg Business explains "The Economics of being a U.S. ambassador."  "Just filling the flower vases for the embassy in London is very expensive.”
The Telegraph has a gallery of photos of extreme body modifications from a show in Caracas.
The map at the left shows which states are best and worst in terms of children receiving the full set of recommended vaccines (darker color = better).
A New Mexico toddler outdid the Walmart kid from last month.  The 3-year-old removed his mother's gun from her purse and wounded both his parents with one shot. "Police believe the shooting to be accidental."
Hotels can now track towels to find out if you are stealing them.  Microchips can now detect when a towel enters an elevator or goes out the door.  The data is currently used mostly for inventory control/restocking rather than for prosecution.
The history of quotation marks.
If you're tired of TSA horror stories, don't read this one.
A nice article at BoingBoing lists and discusses the best adventure books for children written in the 1960s.  Many adults who missed their chance then would like to read their way through this list now that they have the leisure time to do so.
You really don't need to know that sometimes gastroenterologists find cockroaches during screening colonoscopy.


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