Sunday, February 22, 2015

Members of Congress on the Loose in Central Pennsylvania After Truck Crash

by Jimmy Williams
Just kidding! And yes, that’s a clickbait headline but hey, it makes total sense.
congress screws americaThere aren’t members of Congress actually on the loose in Central Pennsylvania — it’s a load of chickens.
But members are on the loose this week back in their Congressional districts, talking to their crazy constituents, from birthers to instigators who believe President Obama’s a Muslim. How eerily similar to the breaking news of a truck in central Pennsylvania crashing and releasing thousands of chickens onto I-80!
Just imagine these chickens clucking around, looking for safety, freed from their eventual slaughter by the voters, I mean consumers.
CongressalPoor Congress could be safe in Washington, D.C. this week, working on neat things like the budget, or an authorization of military force against ISIL, or infrastructure, or maybe even funding the Department of Homeland Security. Nah, why do all of those things when you can be scattered to the winds?
Seriously though, many of you like me probably have this image of congressmen and congresswomen in the middle of “Pennsyltucky” trying to stay warm in these frigid temps or trying to find their way back to D.C. where they really only work three days a week.
Too bad the life of a chicken so eerily mirrors the life of a congressman. And that my friends is the state of our politics.

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