Sunday, February 15, 2015

President Obama Has Used His Executive Powers To Break The repugican cabal

President Obama Has Used His Executive Powers To Break The Republican Party
The fact that congressional repugicans have completely self-destructed over President Obama’s immigration executive orders illustrates how the president has used his executive powers to break the repugican cabal.
According to The Hill, repugican infighting is growing over the House-passed bill that would fund Homeland Security while overturning President Obama’s immigration executive actions, “repugican cabal infighting between the House and Senate is growing as repugicans work to prevent a partial shutdown of the Homeland Security Department at the end of the month. House wingnuts on Thursday pointedly criticized Senate repugicans for saying a House-approved bill funding the agency and reversing President Obama’s executive actions on immigration was dead in the Senate.”
In the first six weeks that repugicans began to misled Congress, they have passed one bill that became a law. The rest of their time has been split between passing dead on arrival legislation (attacks on Obamacare and authorizing Keystone XL) and fighting with each other over President Obama’s executive actions.
The president successfully derailed the repugican agenda through a series of targeted executive actions on issues that divide the repugican cabal. Obama has successfully fractured and broken the repugican majority by exploiting divides within their cabal. The White House had planned this strategy for months before the 2014 election. The repugicans never saw it coming.
Mitch McConnell said that he was shocked that President Obama wasn’t going to roll over for repugicans after the midterm election. By December 2014, McConnell was perplexed by the president’s behavior. By January 2015, the Senate Majority Leader was whining that the President had ignored the midterm election.
What has happened is that President Obama has divided the repugican cabal and destroyed any momentum that the new majority could have had. repugican control of the Senate only served to raise the expectations of those on the lunatic fringe and make the infighting worse. In two weeks, the Department of Homeland Security is going to shut down, and repugicans have no plan.
The potential Homeland Security shut down is a black eye in the making for repugicans that was caused by President Obama’s constitutional use of his executive powers. The president has repugicans on a string, and each executive has been a tug that forces Boehner and McConnell to dance to his tune.

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