Monday, February 23, 2015

Security Tosses Out Protesters As Marco Rubio Gets Loudly Heckled During Speech

In typical repugican fashion, Marco Rubio (r-FL) couldn’t handle the truth so he had security remove protesters during a speech in his hometown.
Here is a clip of immigration protesters heckling Rubio in Miami:
The Washington Post reported some details:
marco rubio heckled miamiAt least eight young people interrupted Rubio just as he began speaking about how the United States is a country of freedom and opportunity.
“What about my parents?” shouted one of the protesters, prompting others to join in.
As they began shouting, Rubio told the hometown crowd that he’s among a few national political figures to be regularly heckled “by both sides of the immigration debate.”
Rubio originally gambled that he would win the repugican nomination in 2016 by supporting comprehensive immigration reform. Support for the Florida Senator crashed in the early repugican polls, so he changed his position, “I continue to believe our system needs to be reformed and I’ve learned in the last year that because of such an incredible distrust of the federal government no matter who’s in charge, the only way you’re going to be able to deal with this issue is by first securing the border and ensuring that illegal immigration is under control.”
The repugicans better get used to this kind of treatment if they plan on continuing their opposition to President Obama’s executive actions on immigration. Obama’s executive action showed immigration reform supporters who they need to be protesting. The mainstream media is trying to link the heckling to Rubio’s potential 2016 run for pretender, but the story is bigger than one man and his possible pretender campaign.
Immigration reform opponents in the repugican cabal are shooting themselves in the feet by catering to bigots who disguise their opposition to immigration reform as concerns about “border security.” Marco Rubio is going to have trouble holding on to his Senate seat next year, much less winning the repugican pretender nomination. The repugican opposition to immigration reform is wildly unpopular, and the spineless pandering Marco Rubio’s of the repugican cabal are going to have a lot more problems than a few hecklers if they continue to maintain such an empty headed and hard hearted position.

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