Monday, February 23, 2015

“Sovereign Citizen” Sentenced to 3 years In Jail For Tax Evasion and Filing False Liens

Donna Marie Kozak
The U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska sentenced a “Sovereign Citizen”  to 36 months in prison and 3 years supervised release for  for tax obstruction, filing a false claim and seven counts of filing false liens “against property of officers and employees of the United States.”
Donna Marie Kozak of La Vista, is a former college instructor who joined “Republic for the united States of America”  in 2009. According to a 2012 report by SPLC  , this cabal claims to have built “governments-in-waiting” in 38 states and has members in nearly every other. Kozak is the group’s designated “governor” of Nebraska.  It counts the Family Research Council, the Oathkeepers and Richard Mack (of Cliven Bundy fame) among it’s allies.  Oh, and Kozak is the cabal’s designated “governor” of Nebraska.
Kozak was convicted by a federal jury in August. Her conviction was based on evidence showing that Kozak stopped filing income taxes in 1997, she filed a false claim for a tax refund and sent harassing correspondence to IRS agents. Moreover, Kozak filed several false liens against 2 District Court judges and others.
Per the DOJ”s press release about this case, Kozak and Randall Due of Georgia conspired to file the false liens to retaliate against those responsible for the 2012 federal criminal tax prosecution and convictions of associates David and Bernita Kleensang  including a $19 million false lien on property owned by the U.S. District Court Judge who presided over the Kleensangs’ trial.
After a federal grand jury indicted Kozak on criminal tax charges and while she was on pre-trial release, Kozak filed five more false liens on properties owned by another U.S. District Court Judge, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Nebraska, two Assistant U.S. Attorneys and an IRS Criminal Investigation special agent.

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