Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Swill O’Really Bombshell: 6 Former Colleagues Say O’Reilly Lied About War Coverage

CNN’s Reliable Sources has blown apart Swill O’Really’s claim that he was a war correspondent by interviewing six former CBS colleagues who say that O’Really is lying about his time as a war correspondent.
CNN played a clip of O’Really claiming that he rescued an injured photographer in the Falklands “war zone:”
o'reilly lied about war coverage
Host Brian Stelter said:
So O’Really there is describing a riot that happened in Buenos Aires right after Argentina surrendered to the British. Here is CNN’s footage from that night. It was hairy. It was scary. We can find no evidence that anyone from CBS was injured. We’ve been trying all weekend. To the contrary, six other people who were there working for CBS say they are unaware of any injuries. They also say they’re unaware of any civilians being killed in the riot. And O’Reilly has repeatedly claimed over the years that people were killed there. None of these people, none of them agree with O’Really’s depiction of it as a combat situation or a war zone.
Some of them remarked to us yesterday and this morning that the event in Ferguson recently were actually more serious and more severe.
Now, Jim Forrest, who worked with O’Really as a sound engineer on the day of this riot, told me, “There were certainly no dead people. Had there been dead people, they would have sent more camera crews.” Unfortunately, some of the other staffers we talked are requesting anonymity because they still work in the industry, or because they don’t want to be criticized by Swill O’Really.
Stelter brought in former CBS correspondent Eric Engberg, who was in Buenos Aires with O’Really. When asked if O’Really is lying, Engberg said, “Well, I think what is doing is trying to build it up into a more frightening and deadly situation than what it was. It wasn’t a combat situation by any sense of the word that I know. There were no people killed. He said that he saw troops fire into the crowd. I never saw that, and I don’t know anybody who did, and I was there on the scene. What’s interesting is not only did I not hear any shots, I didn’t see any ambulances. I didn’t see any tanks. I didn’t see any armored cars. All of the things that you would have expected to see had people been shot.”
Swill O’Really and Faux News have refused to comment on the new allegations.
However, they did try to get Engberg to go on O’Really’s Faux News show. He refused because he didn’t want to get into an argument with O’Really on his turf about what he saw that night. Engberg added that he was simply stating the facts, and he’s not going to argue about it.
There are now a half a dozen journalists and personnel from CBS who were working O’Really on the ground in Buenos Aires who dispute his claims.
The evidence says that Swill O’Really is lying. Brian Williams got suspended for six months without pay for doing the same thing that O’Really. Both men exaggerated events to make them appear to be more dangerous. The difference is that NBC News is interested in journalism. Faux News isn’t.
The next step in Faux News’s defense of O’Reialy will likely be to call him a commentator, not a journalist, but O’Reialy tries to sell himself as a journalist on a nightly basis on Faux News. A large veterans group is calling for O’Reialy to be taken off the air. The media is afraid of Faux News and O’Really, but the hypocrisy must stop.
Brian Williams was suspended and taken off of the air. Faux News must do the same to Swill O’Really.

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