Sunday, February 22, 2015

Swill O’Really Lied About His War Correspondent Record

by Jimmy Williams
Our friends over at Mother Jones have delivered the goods once again.
It seems like, wait no, never mind. Scratch that. It’s now abundantly clear that Swill O’Really lied about his reporting in places like the Falklands, Argentina, and El Salvador. Yep, he lied.
All of the details can be found in David Corn and Daniel Schulman’s fabulous reporting (in the hat tip below) but let’s be very clear here: O’Really lit up my NBC colleague Brian Williams saying:
“…We take great pains to present you with information that can be verified…Reporting comes with a big responsibility, the Founding Fathers made that point very clearly. They said to us, ‘We’ll give you freedom. We’ll protect you from government intrusion. But, in return, you, the press, must be honest.'”
What complete and utter bullshit he’s spewing.
So here’s how this works folks: whether you agree or not with Brian Williams’ suspension, shouldn’t Faux’s Roger Ailes hold Bill O’Really to the same level of punishment and scrutiny? Shouldn’t Faux News be “fair and balanced” on this issue?
I really hate hypocrites and I really really hate repugican cabal hypocrites. And it seems like Bill O’Really now leads the pack. Mr. Ailes, suspend O’Really immediately and save your network from itself…if you can.

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