Friday, February 20, 2015

Swill O’Really’s Comments on Jon Stewart’s Departure Reek of Petty Jealousy

by Allen Clifton
I’ll be honest, Swill O’Really is one of the few people on Faux News who I can actually stomach watching. That doesn’t mean that I like his show, but at least I’ve seen him call out repugicans every once in a while – even if those occasions are few and far between.
But for the most part he’s just another arrogant wingnut blowhard.
Take for instance his asinine comments he made concerning Jon Stewart’s announcement that he was leaving The Daily Show. While speaking with fellow Faux News hack Juan Williams, O’Really claimed that the media’s reaction to his departure “proves” that most of the media is liberally biased.
“The point of the matter, Juan, is that this, beyond a reasonable doubt, proves that the national press and the commentators in television and print, they’re overwhelmingly liberal,” O’Really said. “That’s what it proves, Juan.”
O’Really then stated that he and Stewart both were known for criticizing the media, a point with which Williams agreed and then stated, “The difference here is that you impact a larger audience.”
“The difference is, I’m a 'traditional' American, and Mr. Stewart is a liberal American,” O’Really replied.
He forgot arrogant and pompous along with “traditional.”
It’s amazing how Stewart gets slammed by the wingnuts for being liberally biased when I’ve seen him tear apart President Obama, the Affordable Care Act, MSNBC and absolutely crush CNN. And while I’ve seen O’Really call out repugicans now and again, he’s much more biased toward “the right” than Stewart is toward “the left.”
Oh, and his “traditional American” comment is pure bullcrap. That’s just a pathetic cheap shot from a petty man. What the hell does “traditional” even mean? Once upon a time slavery and segregation were “traditional American values.” In my opinion, it seems that when people say they’re “traditional” that usually means they’re closed minded and resistant to change.
The real reason why Stewart’s departure is such a big deal is because he’s a pioneer in the news. He changed the landscape of how an entire generation of Americans gets the news and put a small Comedy Central show on par with some of the most well-known news and opinion programs on cable television.
His show is a rare breed of news, comedy and “Tonight Show” style interviews. Stewart has interviewed presidents, authors, movie stars, directors and countless other people from numerous aspects of our society. He’s built relationships with people from all facets of media, so it’s not surprising that the reaction to his exit has been more wide ranging and emotional.
Stewart appeals to non-political people. While individuals like myself enjoy his monologues and sketches, especially those related to politics, others enjoy his interactions with guests or the non-political issues he covers. His show always has been first and foremost a comedy show, it just happens to dabble in the news quite often.
My theory is that O’Really is jealous. Stewart is loved and respect in a way he will never be – and that tears at his ego. While he might be on a bigger network and have more viewers, he’s not even on the same level as Stewart. And when all is said and done, Jon Stewart will go down as an icon and “game changer” in the media, while Bill O’Really will just be another political blowhard on a cable “news” channel who changed nothing.

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