Tuesday, February 24, 2015

This Washed Up Never Was Just Called Obama an ‘islamic jihadist’

VictoriaJacksonVictoria Jackson is in need of a healing. In the words of Denzel Washington, someone needs to help the former “Saturday Night Live” failure “find, take back, and keep” her “righteous mind.”
The teabagger agitator and full-time conspiracy nut seems to have spilled her marbles all over the grassy knoll. In a NewsMax TV interview, she declared President Barack Obama an “islamic jihadist” because he supports abortion rights and marriage equality. She told Steve Malzberg that she thinks the president is flat-out lying when he claims to be a christian.
“The bible says, ‘By their fruit, you will know them,’” she said without a hint of irony. “And all of his actions are different than what his words say.”
Jackson, clearly frustrated that former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani didn’t go far enough when he said the president doesn’t love America, she has her own ideas about his patriotism.
“Why is he aiding and abetting ISIL? And I’m like, because he’s one of them,” she said. “It’s so obvious… It’s like nobody will say the truth. He’s an islamic jihadist.”
There aren’t enough tin foil hats in America to cover her head.

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