Monday, February 16, 2015

Using the veto ...

 “...back in the day presidents were very cautious about using the veto power, but under Barack Obama it’s nothing but reckless tyranny.  Assuming that Obama vetoes the Keystone Pipeline, consider this remarkable record of indiscriminate vetoes in historical context:
   Obama: 3 (5, pro-rated to a full two terms)

   the shrub: 12

   ronny raygnn: 78

   clumsy ford: 66 (in less than 3 full years!)

   tricky dick: 43 (less than 2 full terms)

   Dwight Eisenhower: 181

   Calvin Coolidge: 50 (less than 2 full terms)

   Teddy Roosevelt: 82

   Grover Cleveland: 584

As you can see, the data is clear.  Obama’s lawlessness and obstructionism are unparallelled.   The veto used to be a very rare event, but now it’s ubiquitous.”

—      Scott Lemieux, Lawyers, Guns and Money, using “facts” and “evidence” to note that Barack Obama is not be abusing the veto power against a repugican congress …

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