Monday, February 23, 2015

Veterans Group Demands That Faux News Take Swill O’Really Off The Air

Bill Oreilly
A leading veterans group is calling on Faux News to take Swill O’Really off the air after it was uncovered that Faux News hack lied about his history as a war correspondent.
In a statement, Jon Soltz, chairman of, said, “NBC acted completely appropriately in taking Brian Williams off the air and looking into claims he’s made over the years. Faux News has to do the same thing. The issue, for me, isn’t that Faux has been caught off guard and didn’t realize O’Really was telling patently false tales. That I can accept. It’s what do they do about it now? That will tell us a lot about how seriously they take their news organization.”
The mainstream media, except for Faux’s cable news competition, have largely treated the O’Really/Corn story as a case of he said/he said. The media is giving Swill O’Really an open platform that he is using to smear Mother Jones and David Corn. What O’Really is also doing is distracting from his own statements.
The 400,000 member organization VoteVets has it right. It is a matter of consistent treatment. The media is happily willing to overlook the fact that O’Really’s story makes no sense. O’Really’s has made up his own definition of a combat zone. Swiill-O’s claim that he saw combat is similar to a journalist claiming that they were at Ground Zero on 9/11 while they were in Atlanta.
The odds of Faux News taking O’Really off the air are zero. The reason for this confidence is that Faux News isn’t a real news organization. Faux doesn’t care about their credibility because they don’t have any.
What is most troubling is the media’s willingness to overlook O’Really’s lie. By standing with their ratings cash cow, Faux News has shown that it isn’t just O’Really who should be taken off the air. It’s also their whole sham “news” network.

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