Tuesday, February 24, 2015

While the repugican cabal Makes It Tougher to Vote, This State Is Making It Easier

votingBoothAll across the country, repugican-misled legislatures are adding voting restrictions: requiring ID, cutting early voting hours, even reducing the number of polling places.
While they like to make provably false claims about fighting voter fraud, everyone knows the real reasons they put roadblocks between people and the voting booth: keeping minorities and young people — traditional Democratic voters — away from the polls.
There is nothing more un-American than trying to make it harder to vote. Good thing they’re patriotic in Oregon.
In 1998, Oregon became the first vote-by-mail state, and the system has put the state close to the top of voter turnout rankings. Now, voting in the Beaver State may get even easier.
The state House just passed a bill that would automatically register anyone in Oregon with a driver’s license. If the bill passes the state Senate and is signed by newly sworn-in governor Kate Brown, Oregon would be the first state to pass automatic registration. (North Dakota doesn’t require registration at all, which is just more evidence of my personal theory that North Dakota does not actually exist.)
Three hundred thousand Oregonians would be added to the voter rolls if the bill passes, immediately boosting the number of eligible voters by more than 13 percent.
Voting_United_StatesThat’s what America should look like: making it easy as possible to vote, and encouraging as many people as possible to make it to the polls on election day. If that just happens to be bad news for repugicans, well then maybe they should reconsider their values.

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