Saturday, February 14, 2015

Wife unhappy after snake-catching husband forgot to tell her about lost python in family car

A snake catcher from the Sunshine Coast in Australia found himself in the dog house after he lost a 1.5m snake in his car and forgot to tell his wife about it. Richie Gilbert of Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers said the python had escaped from a bag in the car.
It had been missing for three days before his wife got a surprise behind the wheel. Mr Gilbert said that his wife Nat was about to drive home from a night out when she opened the door and there was a large snake coming out from underneath the steering wheel in the dashboard.
Despite Mr Gilbert's love of snakes, it seems Nat was not so happy to see the slithering beast. She refused to drive the car home, instead demanding her husband get out of bed and rescue her. "It went back up the dash and she refused to drive the car home, no amount of me trying to convince her would change her mind."
But the snake's road trip didn't end there as it disappeared back into the dash. "Note to self: Next time I have a 1.5m snake loose in my car, don't let my wife drive it," said Mr Gilbert in a post on Facebook. Fortunately the python eventually came out and Mr Gilbert was able to use his snake catching skills to put his wife at ease.

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